Power Of Having Lofty Goals
The Power of Having Lofty Goals
By Dr. Paul L. Gerhardt, PhD
The habit of setting high goals for oneself should be developed from childhood. Because, if we do not set our standards high, how on Earth will we test our own limits? Having lofty goals, that is, goals which are ambitious is indeed powerful. These goals are what motivate us to push ourselves and test how far we can go. In this article we are going to discuss how setting big goals can help develop a person as a great leader.
1. Big goals set us apart from the pack
With billions of people competing for greatness on the same planet, there is absolutely no point in being average. Set your aim higher than the people around you. Say for example, you are studying for a Bachelor’s degree in business at your institution – don’t limit your skills to just the textbooks and a good GPA, participate in business competitions, make your goal to become the next HULT champion! The first step to achieving something big is setting it as a goal. Setting average goals, things which you know that you can achieve is pointless, and incomparable to the joy it will bring you when you set a big goal for yourself. Setting yourself apart is the first step to being recognized as a leader.
2. Lofty goals let us test our limits
When you set a big goal, many people in your life will offer commentary in the form of, “That’s not possible! How do you even expect to do that?!” or “You will win the HULT Prize? HAHAHAHAHAHA!” You may even begin to question yourself thinking how you will manage to achieve such a goal. Here’s the thing though – if you’ve never even tried to aim high, then how do you or anyone else even know how far you can reach? Your limits are at the moment untested and defined by only the fears in your mind. Once you set out to expand them and test yourself, a whole new horizon of opportunities will automatically open up before you. Until you practically try something out, everything will seem impossible. Set the goal. Break those boundaries.
3. Thinking big leads to bigger and better ideas
With the problems that exist in our world right now, there is no scope for people to think small anymore. We need to find ways to combat global warming, ways to save endangered species, and most importantly a way to manage a new planet before our current one dies out. The entrepreneurs of today are determined to invent self driving cars; they are determined to send people to Mars! Is that not inspiration enough? Your goals may seem difficult right now, but in comparison to the ones which are actually being implemented are they really? ANYTHING is possible! By setting lofty goals, the whole world will be surprised by what you can achieve. So, don’t be afraid to go for it. I double-dog dare you to.
The power of having lofty goals is virtually limitless. All you need is the drive, the motivation and the courage to get things going. Don’t listen to the people saying no. Listen to your heart. Who knows… you could even turn out to be the person who comes up with the next big idea that transforms the company you work for or starts his/her own business with successes you cannot even imagine.
Dr. Paul Gerhardt is a tenured professor of management, diversity and leadership lecturer/trainer and the author of several publications available on Amazon.com, including Diversity at Work and the new Leadership Handbook. Consider inviting Dr. Paul Gerhardt to do customized leadership or diversity training to your organization. Most organizations find that diversity and leadership training by the right trainer has a significant instant return on investment. You can get your FREE COPY of the Leadership Handbook by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/LeadershipHandbook